The Rizor Institute specializes in the treatment of chronic and acute pain on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. Learn More

  • Case Studies For The Rizor Institute


The Rizor Institute specializes in the treatment of chronic and acute pain. While the demographics, medical histories, and goals of each patient vary, the dedication to patient-centered care through individual treatment plans remains constant.

The case studies below are testaments to The Rizor Institute's ability to help patients reduce chronic pain, increase physical function, reduce or eliminate opioid use, and enhance their quality of life.

Escaping Chronic Back Pain

Meet John, a 33-year-old man who had been battling back pain due to a work-related strain that aggravated a pre-existing lower back problem. Struggling with both physical discomfort and emotional distress, John's journey towards relief seemed like an impossible uphill battle until he found hope at The Rizor Institute.

Rediscovering Hope After Chronic Pain

At 67 years old, Jeff felt like he had tried everything he could to overcome his numerous health challenges. Most significantly, he had been struggling with severe back pain for over five years. His journey has been fraught with complexities, from medical conditions like myocardial infarction, myasthenia gravis (MG), and gout, to struggles with mobility due to obesity and chronic opioid use.

A New Chapter After Chronic Pain

Sara was only 46 years old but had already experienced more pain than most. She suffered from chronic nonspecific musculoskeletal pain throughout her body, including her lower back, neck, shoulder, and feet. This pain caused her physical activity to decrease, leading to generalized deconditioning. She had also been diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) with dissociative symptoms.

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“To me, this is the only place to go. I’ve been in other places for rehab, but this is one of the best right here.”

– Jack F.

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